Understand the mechanisms of Vault clients to authenticate with Vault. There are three high-level approaches; platform integration, trusted orchestrator, or Vault agent.
Encrypt Spring application data with Vault
Use Spring Vault library to develop an application that encrypts and decrypts data with the transit secrets engine.
Re-wrapping data after encryption key rotation
Demonstrate one possible way to re-wrap data after rotating an encryption key in the transit engine in Vault.
Data transformation with code examples
Transform secrets engine allows generation of cryptographically secure tokens mapped to sensitive data such as credit card numbers.
Retrieve secrets from Vault using C# client library with .NET Core
Demonstrate how to retrieve secrets from HashiCorp Vault in
.NET Core application using a Vault C# Client.
Reload secrets after expiration with Vault Agent with .NET Core
Use Vault Agent and Consul template to authenticate to Vault, retrieve database usernames and passwords, generate a configuration file, and reload an .NET Core application each time the database secrets expire.
Reload HashiCorp Vault secrets in Spring applications
Reload your Spring application with new secrets from Vault while minimizing downtime.
This tutorial shows the code you need in your application on JVM or GraalVM to handle static and dynamic secrets.
Automate workflows with Vault GitHub actions
Configure your GitHub workflow using Vault GitHub actions to retrieve secrets.
Retrieve secrets with Vault AWS Lambda extension
Use Terraform to provision a Lambda function with the Vault AWS Lambda extension which retrieves secrets from HCP Vault Dedicated.
Build custom Vault plugins
Build, register, and mount a custom auth method and secrets engine written in the Go programming language.